City of Mapleton Minutes - Regular Council Meeting September 13, 2023 The regular meeting of the city council was held on September 13, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following …


City of Mapleton Minutes - Regular Council Meeting September 13, 2023 The regular meeting of the city council was held on September 13, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following members present, Mayor Brent Streck, Joe Hogan, Benita Uhl and Angie Sass. Absent: Abby Koenigs and Dian Bleil. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to approve minutes from the previous meetings. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Angie Sass, second by Joe Hogan to approve the order of the agenda. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Jacob Zawodny was present to express concern about traffic around the school with people speeding and running the stop signs. He is concerned that a child is going to be injured. He suggested low profile speed bumps that would slow down traffic. It is a problem on all streets around the school. It was suggested to contact Iowa DOT for any suggestions of help they may be able to offer. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to address the “citizens complaint” from Mapleton Community Development Corporation to the City of Mapleton at the October 11, 2023 council meeting in closed session. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to approve proceeding with three nuisance abatements that were previously sent letters but are not in compliance. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hoga to approve Main Street Spirits liquor license renewal. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Angie Sass to approve passage of Ordinance 480 amending Chapter 75 to allow 4-wheelers on city streets. Ayes: Joe Hogan, Benita Uhl, Angie Sass. Motion carried. Motion by Joe Hogan, second by Benita Uhl to approve waiving the second and third reading and adoption of Ordinance 480 amending Chapter 75 to allow 4-wheelers on city Streets. Ayes: Angie Sass, Joe Hogan and Benita Uhl. Motion carried. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to approve passage of Ordinance 481 amending Chapter 51 related to junk and junk vehicles. Ayes: Benita Uhl, Joe Hogan, Angie Sass. Motion carried. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to approve waiving the second and third reading and adoption of Ordinance 481 amending Chapter 51 related to junk and junk vehicles. Ayes: Benita Uhl, Joe Hogan and Angie Sass. Motion carried. Motion by Angie Sass, second by Joe Hogan to approve a price from Steve Mauch Construction for $1,500.00 to demolish the last trailer at North View Acres. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Joe Hogan, second by Benita Uhl to advertise for a two year lease for the property near the cemetery. Ayes: All. Motion carried Motion by Angie Sass, second by Joe Hogan to approve acceptance of project and payment on the 2021 overlay project to Barklay Asphalt of $1,282.50 and $13,642.40 retainage payment in 30 days based on recommendation of the engineer. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Joe to explore plans for the retention basin and get conceptual plans for a cost of $3,500.00. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Angie Sass, second by Joe Hogan to approve advertising for position that will be vacant due to an employee retirement after reviewing the information with Marshall Goslar. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Joe Hogan, second by Angie Sass to approve the Homecoming parade route for September 27. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Joe Hogan, second by Benita Uhl to approve payment of bills as presented. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to adjourn the meeting. Ayes: All. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.. Brent Streck, Mayor Attest: Karla Uhl, City Clerk MP9-21-23