MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING OCTOBER 22, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. o’clock on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 in the boardroom of the courthouse in Onawa, Monona County, Iowa with Chairman Fox presiding. Other Supervisors present: Tom Brouillette and Vince Phillips. Supervisor Absent: None. Also present was Auditor Peggy A. Rolph. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve the agenda. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Kevin Ewing, Sheriff, and Wray Wright were present for approval/disapproval of the bid for the LEC roof. The bids for the LEC roof were discussed. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve the bid from Nohava Construction Inc in the amount of $53,700 to replace the LEC roof. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Wray Wright inquired about an article that was written in the Sioux City Journal regarding a coding error causing the misdirection of funds in the court system in Woodbury County. No action taken. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to table the Chairman’s signature on agreement with RML Architect for roof project until it is reviewed by the County Attorney. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to rescind tabling the Chairman’s signature on agreement with RML Architects for the roof project. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to authorize the Chairman’s signature on agreement with RML Architects for the roof project. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Fox to table advertising for bids to replace/repair courthouse and annex roofs. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to rescind tabling authorization to advertise for bids to replace/repair courthouse and annex roofs. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to give authorization to advertise for bids to replace/repair courthouse and annex roofs. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Secondary Roads Engineer Charles Bechtold, Secondary Roads Mechanic Shop Foreman Lucas Morton and Wray Wright were present for Secondary Roads business. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve utility permit for Northwest Iowa Power Cooperative for rebuilding existing transmission line in the same alignment with new structures, insulators, hardware, and conductor to a new spec. Starting North of 235th Street overhead transmission line. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Discussion items were warranty on equipment, Purple Wave, snowplows, five-year program, updating equipment, and FEMA. No action taken. Amy Borchardt-Sick and Tammy Blinde, Drainage Clerks, were present for Drainage business. Others present were: Caleb Rasmussen, Engineer; Haley Bryan, County Attorney; Dennis Parr, Bob Steiner and Tim Struble. The Maple River Lateral 1 informational meeting was held at 10:00 a.m. Engineer Rasmussen presented a couple options and the costs associated with the repairs of the Maple River Lateral 1 levy system per the Petition filed by Bob Steiner. Farming the levy was also discussed. After discussion, Bob Steiner stated he would be willing to pay for the repair on his own and he would rescind the Petition for repair filed in the drainage office. Rasmussen will work with Bob and the contractor on this repair. Stamped Warrant interest was discussed. Treasurer Riesberg was not available for the meeting. The Board instructed the Drainage Office to place an ad in the Grapevine for anyone interested in trapping beaver in the Supervisor Districts for 2025. They will need to have the paperwork turned into the drainage office by December 15, 2024. Several other Petitions were discussed with Engineer Rasmussen, the McNeil Lat 8, Haitz Lat 4, Crane, Oliver Lake Main and the McNeil Main where the Sherman dumps in. No action taken on these. Present from the Library Board were Peg Gay, Fisher Whiting Memorial Library; Amy McDermott, Onawa Public Library; Judy Ehlers Soldier Library; and Lisa Pithan, Ute Public Library. The ladies updated the Board on the activities at their respective libraries. No action taken. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve the minutes of October 15, 2024 as read. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve claims. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to appoint Gary Taylor as the County Attorneyís Compensation Board Member for a four-year term commencing July 1, 2024. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to appoint Charles Persinger as the Auditorís Compensation Board Member for a two-year term commencing July 1, 2024. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to appoint Rob Meyer as the Recordís Compensation Board Member for a two-year term commencing July 1, 2024. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Fox to appoint Brent McCall as the Sheriff’s Compensation Board Member for a four-year term commencing July 1, 2024. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Fox to acknowledge receipt of Manure Management Annual update from Jason or Lana Boyle facility #59953. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to hereby adjourn at the hour of 11:52 a.m. o’clock. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. /s/Bo Fox BO FOX, CHAIRPERSON MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: /s/Peggy A. Rolph PEGGY A. ROLPH, AUDITOR MP11-7-24