MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING DECEMBER 10, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. o’clock on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 in the boardroom of the …


MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING DECEMBER 10, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. o’clock on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 in the boardroom of the courthouse in Onawa, Monona County, Iowa with Chairman Fox presiding. Other Supervisors present: Tom Brouillette and Vince Phillips. Supervisor Absent: None. Also present was Auditor Peggy A. Rolph. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve the agenda. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried, Josh Schaben, Conservation Director, was present for bids on building repair from the hail damage from June. The bids are as follows: Walker Brother Roofingís bid was $162,000, JW Graber Constructionís bid was $127,355, and Morton Building, Inc.ís bid was $174,441. Also present were Wray Wright and Patrick Prorok, EMA Director. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve bid from JW Graber Construction for $127,355. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Secondary Roads Engineer Charles Bechtold, Secondary Roads Foremen Dave Brown, Jared Mohr, Wally Morgan, Secondary Roads Maintenance Foreman Lucas Morton, Secondary Road Office Manager Deleta Huffman, Deputy Auditor Kelly Parsley and Wray Wright were present for Secondary Roads business. Supervisor Fox introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette: RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-36 The Board of Supervisors consents to the recommendation of the County Superintendent to transfer Dawson Richardson to fill the Vacant Operator III position. Start date is December 10, 2024. Current Classification: Operator II Current Salary: $25.56 Proposed Classification: Operator III Proposed Salary: $26.68 Date: December 10, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve wage adjustment for Dawson Richardson. He will be going from Operator II to Operator III, and his wage is going from $25.56 per hour to $26.68 per hour per union contract. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve internal posting for Operator II at the West Shop. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Supervisor Phillips introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette: RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-37 The Board of Supervisors advises and consents to the County Engineer’s recommendation to accept the quote from Jim Hawk Truck Trailers Inc., to supply 2025 Alpha HD A110 53í Lowboy Trailer to Monona County as specified. The cost is $94,631.00. Date: December 10, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: /s/ Bo Fox /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Discussion items were evaluation, budgets, Engineer Conference, Foremen’s monthly meeting, work being done in the shops, Christmas holiday hours. No action taken. Amy Borchardt-Sick and Tammy Blinde, Drainage Clerks, were present for Drainage business. It was moved by Fox, seconded by Phillips to approve the drainage claims. The claims are on file in the drainage office. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Wendy Mueller and Kelly Mahlberg, West Central Community Action, were present to update the Board on the programs that West Central Community Action provides to Monona County residents and request FY 26 funding. The programs that they offer are Head Start, Child Care Resources and Referral (CCR&R), Embrace Iowa, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), I Care-Black Hills Cares Assistance, Family Development and Self-Sufficiency (FaDSS), Food Pantry, and Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program (IIAGP). Discussion followed with no action taken. Present, along with the Supervisors and Auditor, were Sheriff Kevin Ewing, Recorder Kelly Seward, Treasurer Abby Riesberg, and County Attorney Haley Bryan. The Christmas Holiday hours were discussed. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Fox to close the Courthouse December 24, 25, and 26. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve the minutes of December 3, 2024 as read. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve claims. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve General Ledger Journal Entry approval to correct accounts for the County Share of EMA. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to acknowledge receipt of Monona County Sheriff’s Report of fees collected for November 2024. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to acknowledge receipt of Manure Management Annual Update from Terry Mann Confinement Facility #59765. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to hereby adjourn at the hour of 11:48 a.m. o’clock. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. /s//Bo Fox BO FOX, CHAIRPERSON MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: /s/Peggy A. Rolph PEGGY A. ROLPH, AUDITOR MP12-26-24