MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING JANUARY 2, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. o’clock on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 in the boardroom of the courthouse in Onawa, Monona County, Iowa with Chairman Fox presiding. Other, Supervisors present: Tom Brouillette and Vince Phillips. Supervisor Absent: None. Also, present was Auditor Peggy A. Rolph. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve the agenda. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to elect Supervisor Fox as the Chairperson and Supervisor Brouillette as Vice-Chairperson. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Patrick Prorok, EMA Director was present to discuss the Medical Examiner position, discussion followed no action taken. Supervisor Fox introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette: RESOLUTION 2024-01 CONSTRUCTION EVALUATION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Iowa Code section 459.304(3) sets out the procedure if a Board of Supervisors wishes to adopt a “construction evaluation resolution” relating to the construction of a confinement feeding operation structure; and WHEREAS, only counties that have adopted a construction evaluation resolution can submit to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) an adopted recommendation to approve or disapprove a construction permit application regarding a proposed confinement feeding operation structure; and WHEREAS, only counties that have adopted a construction evaluation resolution and submitted an adopted recommendation may contest the DNR’s decision regarding a specific application; and WHEREAS, by adopting a construction evaluation resolution the board of supervisors agrees to evaluate every construction permit application for a proposed confinement feeding operation structure received by the board of supervisors between February 1, 2024 and January 31, 2025 and submit an adopted recommendation regarding that application to the DNR; and WHEREAS, the board of supervisors must conduct an evaluation of every construction permit application using the master matrix created in Iowa Code section 459.305, but the boardís recommendation to the DNR may be based on the final score on the master matrix or may be based on reasons other than the final score on the master matrix; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MONONA COUNTY that the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts this construction evaluation resolution pursuant to Iowa Code section 459.304(3). Date: Jan. 2, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Secondary Roads Office Manager Deleta Huffman and Shawn Bellis, Secondary Roads Maintenance Superintended were present for Secondary Roads business. Supervisor Brouillette introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, Seconded by Supervisor Fox. RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-01 Be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, that WHKS & Co. Contract Engineer of Monona County, Iowa, be and is hereby designated, authorized and empowered on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of said County to execute certification of completion of work and final acceptance thereof in accordance with plans and specifications therefore in connection with all Farm to Market and Federal or State aid construction projects in this county. Date: January 02, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Phillips introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, Seconded by Supervisor Brouillette. RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-02 Whereas, Section 306.41 of the Code of Iowa, 1992, provides that: The agency having jurisdiction and control over any highway in the state, or the chief engineer of said agency when delegated by such agency, may temporarily close sections of a highway by formal resolution entered upon the minutes of such agency when reasonably necessary because of construction, reconstruction, maintenance or natural disaster and shall cause to be erected “road closed” signs and partial or total barricades in the roadway at each end of the closed highway section and on the closed highway where that highway is intersected by other highways if such intersection remains open. Any numbered road closed for over forty-eight hours shall have a designated detour route. The agency having jurisdiction over a section of highway closed in accordance with the provisions of this section, or the persons or contractors employed to carry out the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of the closed section of highway, shall not be liable for any damages to any vehicle that enters the closed section of highway or the contents of such vehicle or for any injuries to any person that enters the closed section of highway, unless the damages are caused by gross negligence of the agency or the contractor. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit or deny any person from gaining lawful access to the person’s property or residence, nor shall it change or limit liability to such persons. Now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, that WHKS & Co., Contract Engineer be authorized to close Monona County Secondary Roads as necessary with the actual dates of closure to be determined by the County Engineer, as follows: For Construction: Any project as described in the approved Monona County Secondary Road Construction Program or any approved supplements thereto in the calendar year of 2024; For Emergency Closure of Any Road for Maintenance Purposes; Any route deemed necessary by the County Engineer. If closure is to be for an extended time, it will be resolved by resolution at the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors. For Closure of Any Road for a special Event; Any route requested by a recognized sponsor or public entity for an event that the public is invited to attend. All road closures will be designated with signs in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Date: January 02, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Fox introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, Seconded by Supervisor Phillips. RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-03 Be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, that WHKS & Co., Contract Engineer be and is hereby designated, authorized and empowered on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of said County to execute certification of work and final acceptance thereof in accordance with plans and specifications therefore, and to execute requests for reimbursement, in connection with all Natural Resources Conservation Service projects in this county. Date: January 02, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Brouillette introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Phillips: RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-04 The Board of Supervisors hereby resolve that WHKS & Co., Contract Engineer, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of Monona County Secondary Road Department, applications for financial assistance and to file with the Iowa Emergency Management Division (EMD) for the purpose of obtaining Federal/State financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (PL 93-28, as amended) or otherwise available from the President’s Disaster Relief Fund and the Code of Iowa, Chapter 29C. Date: January 02, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Fox introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, Seconded by Supervisor Brouillette. RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-05 Be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, that WHKS & Co., Contract Engineer be and is hereby designated, authorized and empowered on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of said County to execute certification of work and final acceptance thereof in accordance with plans and specifications therefore, and to execute requests for reimbursement, in connection with all Hungry Canyons Alliance projects in this county. Date: January 02, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to table Resolution SR24-06 establishes rates that the County will pay for fence removal and replacement on all construction projects authorized by Monona County during FY24. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Supervisor Brouillette introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, Seconded by Supervisor Fox_. RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-07 The Board of Supervisors establishes the crop damage payment for loss of crop due to secondary road construction activities. $550.00 per acre for soybeans or $850.00 per acre for corn. These prices will remain in effect until further notice. Date: January 02, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Discussion items were roads, signs when movers are moving buildings, bridges, beaver removal and sanders. No action taken. Kelly Seward, Recorder was present for the Compensation Board’s Recommendation. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve the Compensation Board’s Recommendation of 3.5% and $1,500 for the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Regina Smith & Michelle Matney, RML Architects via phone were present to discussed the window/door contact. Discussion followed, no action taken. Present for the appointment of the County Attorney were Jim Wigton, IT Director; Sarah Delanty, Assistant County Attorney; Kevin Ewing, Sheriff; Haley Bryan; and via zoom Ian McConeghey, County Attorney. Ian McConeghey, County Attorney stated that everything was properly published. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to appoint Haley Bryan as the County Attorney. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve the minutes of December 26 and 29, 2023 as read. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve claims. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to acknowledge receipt of resignation letter from Melanie McAndrews as the Board of Supervisors Compensation Board Member. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Fox to appoint the Onawa Democrat and the Mapleton Press as the official newspapers. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to authorize the Chairmanís signature on the Nationwide amendment documents regarding Roth 457b. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. The budget amendment was discussed, no action taken. It was moved by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to hereby adjourn at the hour of 12:30 p.m. o’clock. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. /s/Bo Fox BO FOX, CHAIRPERSON MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: /s/Peggy A. Rolph PEGGY A. ROLPH, AUDITOR MP1-18-24