City of Ute SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING October 11, 2023 – City Hall 7:15pm The Ute City Council met with Mayor Richard Hageman in special, open session on October 11, 2023. Council Members present: Jimmy Carlson, Josh Gotto, Matt Leitz, and Ryan Pithan. Absent: Becky Miller. Also present: Acting City Clerk Megan Peitsch, and PW Superintendent Lonnie Carlson. Motion by Pithan/JCarlson to approve the agenda. All ayes. MC Motion by Gotto/Pithan to approve Ampride II Liquor License. All ayes. MC Motion by Carlson/Gotto to approve the June 5, 2023 meeting minutes with Ordinance 244 and March, April, May Bills. All Ayes. MC Motion by Leitz/Pithan to create a claim with insurance for the water main repair issue at 201 E 5th St Discussion on overtime for Acting City Clerk to complete bank reconciliations before the next regular council meeting. All council in attendance was in favor of allowing overtime. No motion needed. Motion by Gotto/Pithan to approve the payment of $29,071.40 to IPERS to bring the account to current. All ayes. MC Motion by Leitz/Gotto to adjourn. All ayes. MC. Meeting adjourned at 7:33pm Megan Peitsch Acting City Clerk MP10-19-23