CHARTER OAK-UTE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING JULY 17, 2023 The Board of Directors of the Charter Oak-Ute Community School met on the above date in the Charter Oak –Ute …


CHARTER OAK-UTE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING JULY 17, 2023 The Board of Directors of the Charter Oak-Ute Community School met on the above date in the Charter Oak –Ute Center with Director Weed, Goslar, Schultz, McAndrews (phone) and Superintendent Eggeling. Director Klinker was absent. President Weed called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. It was moved by Schultz, seconded by Goslar to approve the agenda. Ayes all. Motion carried. It was moved by Schultz, seconded by Goslar to approve the repairs to bus barn by Treynor Ag Supply. Ayes all. Motion carried. It was moved by McAndrews, seconded by Schultz to offer Tayten Kline a para educator position starting at $13.00 an hour. Ayes all. Motion carried. It was moved by Schultz, seconded by Goslar to offer Laura Martz a teacher aide position starting at $11.50 an hour. Ayes all. Motion carried. There being no further business it was moved by Goslar, seconded by Schultz to adjourn the meeting at 11:07 a.m. Ayes all. Motion carried. Superintendent Eggeling MP7-27-23