Charter Oak City Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2024 The Charter Oak City Council met in regular session on January 8, 2024. Mayor Peggy Staley called the meeting to order at 7:11 pm. Members present were Alec Castillo, Russ Maack, Tracy Helmhold and Nathan Mohr. Member Ben Heyne was absent. Others in attendance were Bob Selig, Craig Warnock, Kyle Miller, Jake Hopp and Ashley Mohr. Motion Castillo/Maack to approve to approve the agenda. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion Castillo/Mohr to approve the December 4, 2023, meeting minutes. All ayes. Motion carried. Public forum: Council member Castillo requested an update on the urban revitalization plan. Department Reports: Maintenance: Bob updated council on the status of the street sweeper and received a quote for parts and labor. Fire: Chief Miller reported five EMS calls, one car accident and one fire call last month. Motion Maack/Mohr to approve first reading of Ordinance 197-24, Amending Sewer Provisions. Ayes: Castillo, Maack, Helmhold, Mohr. Nays: None. Absent: Heyne. Motion carried. Motion Helmhold/Mohr to waive the second reading of Ordinance 197-24, Amending Sewer Provisions. Ayes: Castillo, Maack, Helmhold, Mohr. Nays: None. Absent: Heyne. Motion carried. Motion Mohr/Castillo to approve the final reading of Ordinance 197-24, Amending Sewer Provisions. Ayes: Castillo, Maack, Helmhold, Mohr. Nays: None. Absent: Heyne. Motion carried. Motion Castillo/Maack to approve first reading of Ordinance 198-24, Amending Solid Waste Charges. Ayes: Castillo, Maack, Helmhold, Mohr. Nays: None. Absent: Heyne. Motion carried. Motion Helmhold/Castillo to approve Resolution 01-08-2024A, Authorizing a Change in Mileage Reimbursement for 2024 Calendar Year. Ayes: Castillo, Maack, Helmhold, Mohr. Nays: None. Absent: Heyne. Motion carried. Motion Helmhold/Mohr to approve Resolution 01-08-2024B, Approving Mayor & Council Appointments for 2024 Calendar Year. Ayes: Castillo, Maack, Helmhold, Mohr. Nays: None. Absent: Heyne. Motion carried. Motion Castillo/Mohr to approve Resolution 01-08-2024C, Fiscal Policies. Ayes: Castillo, Maack, Helmhold, Mohr. Nays: None. Absent: Heyne. Motion carried. Motion Maack/Castillo to approve Resolution 01-08-2024D, Designating Financial Institution. Ayes: Castillo, Maack, Helmhold, Mohr. Nays: None. Absent: Heyne. Motion carried. Motion Maack/Mohr to approve 141 One Stop Cigarette Permit renewal. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion Helmhold/Mohr to approve Charter Oak Community Club liquor license renewal. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion Castillo/Mohr to approve moving forward with a Derelict Building Grant. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion Helmhold/Castillo to approve reaching out to our lagoon engineer Bolten & Menk for further guidance. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion Mohr/Helmhold to approve applying for Spring Community Foundations Grant for pool deck repairs. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion Castillo/Mohr to approve applying for Paint Iowa Beautiful Grant to repaint shelter house. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion Castillo/Mohr to deny removal of trees by the city at 258 3rd St per city’s ordinance. All ayes. Motion carried. Council discussed recent correspondence. No action taken. Motion Helmhold/Mohr to approve bills. All ayes. Motion carried. Eftps, Fed/Fica Tax1,943.69 Treasurer, State Of Iowa, State Tax220.86 Ipers, Ipers - Regular1,628.07 141 One Stop, City Truck/Side By Side Fuel102 Meseck Electric, Labor Fixing Bulbs On Star At541.09 Mid American Energy, Utilities2,004.69 Frontier, City Hall Phone Services232.12 Johnson Propane, 140 Gallons Propane Shop Bldg210 Mapleton Press, Publishing Legals86.8 Phil’s Lawn, 500 Ft Multi Color Bulbs For, 1,250.00 Capital One, 3X Books52.24 West Central, 1009000 Gallons Used4,214.90 Counsel, Monthly Contract Base Rate And107.73 141 Tire Service, Tire Repair Lf Tractor Tire86.48 The Office Stop, Office Supplies38.73 Bomgaars, Christmas Tree Supplies416.5 Do It Best, Brine Tank Supplies12.96 R & S Waste Disposal, Trash Service/20Y Container3,019.40 Midwest Laboratories Inc, Ecoli Tests Lagoons145 Ttt, Inc D/B/A Joes Weld, Depth Gauges At Lagoons187.75 Ed Nemitz, Well Agreement Payment 2024350 Denison Auto Parts, Fuel/Air Filters Fire Trucks218.49 Annies Antique Shop, Book-Three Ring Threat19.94 Ampride, Diesel Fuel333.92 Quill.Com, File Folders/Copy Paper/99.55 Peggy Staley, Reimbursement Mla Classes80 Old Dominion Brush Co, New Main Broom For Sweeper623.22 Racom Corporation, 3X Service Labor Charges,658.23 Council Of Governments, Cog Housing Trust Fund500 Payroll Checks, Total Payroll Checks13,210.60 Claims Total32,594.96 General Fund16,449.25 Fire Fund1,363.03 Road Use Tax Fund3,729.09 Water Fund7,782.50 Water Sinking (Debt) Fund582.5 Sewer Fund2,688.59 Revenue Report (Mtd) General1818.27 Water6693.58 Sewer2849.31 Total11361.16 Motion Castillo/Mohr to adjourn at 9:09 pm. All ayes. Motion carried. Peggy Staley, Mayor Ashley Mohr, City Clerk MP1-18-24