Candidates for Monona County Office for General Election


Peggy A. Rolph, Monona County Auditor would like to announce the following candidates who filed for County Offices in the General Election which will be held Tuesday, November 8, 2022:

(* = Incumbents)

Supervisor District #2

*Tom Brouillette - Democrat

No Candidate – Republican

Sandy Bubke - NPPO

Supervisor District #3

No Candidate - Democrat

*Vincent Phillips - Republican

County Treasurer

No Candidate - Democrat

*Abby Riesberg-Republican

County Recorder

* Kelly K. Seward - Democrat

No Candidate - Republican

County Attorney

No Candidate Democrat

*Ian McConeghey - Republican

Center Township Trustee: Thomas Masters; Jennifer Hanson

Center Township Clerk: Brenda L. Howland

Sioux Township Trustee: Merle Losh; Samuel Johnson

Sioux Township Clerk: Susan Johnson

Soldier Township Trustee: Fred Dumkrieger; Ron Amunson

Soldier Township Clerk: Judy Pohlman

Willow Township Trustee: Nicholas Behrendt; Ronald Lee

Willow Township Clerk: Rozlynn Fundermann

AG Extension Council: Brian L. Hobbs, Brent Watkins, Rosa Lynch , Julie Miller, Leland Hathaway

Soil & Water Conservation: T. Eric Brown, Marvin Sonksen

The Mapleton Press will have a special election preview with candidate profiles in the Nov. 3 issue of the Mapleton Press.