Regular Meeting Schleswig City Council December 9, 2024 – 7:00 P.M. Mayor Winquist called the meeting to order. Council Members present: R. Hanlin, T. Bubke, P. Outhouse, T. Kluender & R. Degen. …


Regular Meeting Schleswig City Council December 9, 2024 – 7:00 P.M. Mayor Winquist called the meeting to order. Council Members present: R. Hanlin, T. Bubke, P. Outhouse, T. Kluender & R. Degen. Motion made by Bubke/Hanlin to approve the agenda. All ayes. Council discussed a letter received from Judy Hamann regarding sewer fees. Sewer fees are billed with water usage. Actions will not be taken at this time for separate meters for watering lawns. Motion made by Kluender/Degen to approve the November 12, 2024 minutes. All ayes. Motion made by Outhouse/Bubke to approve the following bills. All ayes. Ampride, Parts93.80 Bank Iowa, Postage/Supplies311.43 Bomgaars, Supplies229.61 Bt Computer, Labor60.00 Card Services, Tech21.19 Chad’s Plumbing, Water Main Repair5,826.78 Crawford Co Engineer’s, E-16 Pmt/Mix43,683.46 Denison Do It Best, Filters99.96 Elevate Roofing, Hail Repair-Library9,569.00 Foundation Analytical Lab, Testing739.00 Great American Financial, Copier132.50 Internal Revenue Service, Fed/Fica Tax2,215.77 Iowa Dept Of Revenue, Sales/Excise857.53 Iowa Finance Authority, Sewer Project16,940.00 Ipers, Ipers1,488.01 Isg, Operator Services700.00 Joe’s Welding, Repair/Parts176.52 Kck’s Food And Fuel, Fuel408.38 Kline Lori, Janitorial100.00 Kluender Kristi, Mileage17.42 Macqueen Equip, Parts13,100.73 Mapleton Press, Publishin Fee356.02 Mid American Energy, Electricity2,243.40 Miller Diesel, Repair340.00 R & S Waste, Garbage Hauling5,779.75 Stone Office Supply, Office Supplies76.62 The Office Stop, Supplies918.06 Ups, Shipping144.83 Us Post Office, Postage365.00 Wcirwa, Water7,495.20 Wellmark, Insurance561.80 Accounts Payable Total 115,051.77 August Payroll Paid7,757.59 Expense Report Total122,809.36 General50,516.75 Road Use Tax28,130.56 Water17,669.23 Sewer3,773.07 Landfill5,779.75 Sewer Captial Project16,940.00 Total Funds78,228.48 Revenue Report Total64,368.50 General445.81 Pool Splash Pad0.00 Road Use Tax9,895.95 Employee Benefits0.00 Property Tax Emergency0.00 Lost8,406.96 Cleveland Loan0.00 Cleveland Loan0..00 Ent Interest.09 Water12,959.39 Water Deposits0.00 Sewer26,616.59 Landfill6,04371 OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Motion by Degen/Kluender to approve Building Permit Application of Jim Malcom -Shed. Ayes: Hanlin, Bubke, Kluender, Degen. Nay: Outhouse. Motion carried. Motion by Outhouse/Hanlin to approve Clerk/Treasurer Report. All ayes. Motion by Kluender/Bubke to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. All ayes. Beth Winquist, Mayor Kristi Kluender, City Clerk These are a condensed version of the proceedings of the regular meeting of the Schleswig City Council. Copies of the complete version may be obtained at the clerk’s office during normal office hours MP12-26-24