NOTICE OF INFORMATIONAL MEETING OLIVER LAKE LATERAL NO. 1 (DD NO. 36) MONONA COUNTY, IOWA To: ALL LANDOWNERS AND PERSONS WITH INTEREST IN OLIVER LAKE, LATERAL NO. 1 OF MONONA COUNTY, IOWA. The Board of Supervisors of Monona County, acting as Trustees for Oliver Lake Lateral No. 1 Drainage District 36 (DD36) received a petition for repairs on March 3, 2020 and a petition for reclassification on May 11, 2023. After other preliminary work, the Board appointed ISG of Storm Lake, Iowa as Engineer on July 11, 2023 and directed them to make a preliminary study and to report their preliminary findings to the Board. In October of 2023 after preliminary study, a meeting was held with the Board of Supervisors and the City of Onawa to discuss the petition for repairs and initial findings. A hydraulic model was completed, showing that the current sediment in Oliver Lake Lateral No. 1 does not have significant impact to reducing the flooding in City limits, and a full repair may not be of interest to the City (petitioner). Following the meeting, the petition for full repairs was reduced to address sloughing near the outlet to alleviate low flows and reduce the frequency of operation of the Onawa Flood Control Basin. The decision to continue to reclassify the district was also made, with direction to proceed with a pre-construction reclassification for discussion with the landowners. The pre-construction reclassification has been completed and will be provided to the Board of Supervisors prior to the meeting, along with a letter discussing the proposed work. A summary of the proposed repairs is available for viewing at the Monona County Auditor’s office, or online at THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Board of Supervisors for Monona County, Iowa, acting as Trustees for Oliver Lake Lateral No. 1, has set Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 1:00 p.m., in Supervisors Room of the Monona County Courthouse, 610 Iowa Ave, Onawa, Iowa, as the time, place and date for an informal meeting to discuss the proposed repairs and preconstruction reclassification. This is not a formal public hearing and the Board will not be taking any official action other than to receive input from the landowners of the District. Therefore, please take notice and plan to attend. If you are unable to attend, you are highly encouraged to submit comments or input in writing to the Monona County Auditor prior to the meeting. This notice is mailed at the direction of the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, acting as Trustees for Oliver Lake Lateral No.1 Drainage District 36. s/Peggy Rolph Peggy Rolph, Monona County Auditor MP9-19-24