Monona County Sanitary Landfill Agency Regular Board Meeting August 13th, 2024 Chairman Keith Zediker called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m. Present: Keith Zediker, Kirk Rose, Chad Carrier, Becky …


Monona County Sanitary Landfill Agency Regular Board Meeting August 13th, 2024 Chairman Keith Zediker called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m. Present: Keith Zediker, Kirk Rose, Chad Carrier, Becky Miller, Ryan Clark Manager Logan Persinger, Secretary/Board Secretary Amanda Yanak, Terry Henry and Brian Sandholdt from Kilburg Equipment. Terry Henry and Brian Sandholdt from Killburg Equipment brought the new recycling truck and answered questions by the board. The new recycling truck was purchased. T. Henry and B. Sandholdt left at 9:58 a.m. Approval of Minutes: Board meeting minutes from July 16th, 2024 were presented by A. Yanak. C.Carrier made a motion to accept the minutes. B. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. No further discussion. Treasurer’s Report: Expenditures and CD’s were reviewed. In July, expenditures equaled $83,457.05 and deposits equaled $213,378.66. R. Clark made a motion to accept the financial statement and CD’s as proposed. K. Rose seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Secretary’s Report: A.Yanak stated that the city mayor positions are up for election. A. Yanak is reaching out to all the city mayors for a mayor vote at the end of August or beginning of September. Manager’s Report: L. Persinger stated we need WIPCO to come in and do the electric work to the fuel barrel. L. Persinger stated the landfill will do a sealed bid for the fuel barrel. A. Yanak is to post it in the paper with pictures. Chairman K. Zediker adjourned the meeting at 10:23 a.m. Next meeting is Tuesday September 10th, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m. These minutes are subject to change at the next meeting. (Board President) (Attested) July 2024 Expenditures Agriland Fs Inc.$1,131.25 Wiatel$229.93 L.P. Gill$9,431.32 Quill$377.46 Butler County Landfill$3,812.92 Hamann Services$6,446.95 Rueter’s$102.33 Siouxland Scale Service$630.00 Waste Management$9,450.82 WIPCO$541.73 Vetter’s Equipment$115.95 Amazon$8.55 Payroll$5,111.22 Quickbooks$159.00 United States Treasury$2,896.69 IPERS$2,037.56 PetroMart$130.16 Ryan Publishing$54.00 Dollar General$54.74 Bomgaars$144.97 Wellmark BCBS$1,217.43 Quickbooks$11.36 Hamann Services$614.99 Waste Management$5,804.17 Quickbooks$13.57 Payroll$5,214.85 Quickbooks$6.04 Vetter’s Equipment$35.49 Carrier Container Company$27,987.68 Iowa Dept. of Rev.$1,439.24 Quickbooks$9.66 MP8-29-24