MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING JULY 9, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. o’clock on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 in the boardroom of the courthouse in Onawa, Monona County, Iowa with Chairman Fox presiding. Other, Supervisors present: Tom Brouillette and Vince Phillips. Supervisor Absent: None. Also, present was Auditor Peggy A. Rolph. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve the agenda. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Kevin Ewing, Sheriff, was present for authorization to purchase a vehicle. Wray Wright was also present. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to give Sheriff Ewing authorization to purchase a 2024 Chevrolet Silverado from Mac’s Chevrolet for $50,363.24 with a trade-in of 2014 Chevrolet Silverado for $10,500 and a trade-in of a 2018 Tahoe for $13,000. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Wray Wright inquired about the brush cutting procedures by Secondary Roadís in the County road right of ways. Discussion followed. No action taken. Secondary Roads Engineer Charlie Bechtold was present for Secondary Roads business. Also present were Patrick Prorok, EMA Director; Sharon Gries, Chief Deputy Assessor; and Wray Wright. Discussion items were the cleaning up the roads after the flood, E16 opening today and L12 possibly opening on Wednesday, rock hauling, tetanus shots for employees working with flood waters, and trailers. No action taken. Amy Borchardt-Sick, Drainage Deputy, and Tammy Blinde, Drainage Clerk, were present for Drainage business. Others present were Bob Steiner, Dennis Parr, Tim Struble and Brian Kepner, Little Sioux Drainage District Superintendent. Maple River Lateral 1 was discussed. Brian Kepner had photos of the ditch to review. It was noted that the Maple River Lateral 1 was not breached due to the flood waters. It was advised by Kepner for the landowners to keep a closer eye on the flap gates in the future as the debris in the gates held them open allowing water to flow through. Spraying was also addressed. Secondary Roads sprayed Maple River Lateral 1 in 2022. It will be reviewed this year and on schedule to be sprayed in 2025. Steiner will talk with Kelleyís about the trees in the ditch and report back to the board. No action taken. Jeff Simmerman of Black Stone presented to the Board how his company helps with storm mitigation by working with the insurance adjusters to make sure the county gets the most out of our insurance. Discussion followed with no action taken. Also present were Patrick Prorok, EMA Director; Sandy Bubke, Zoning/Environmental Health Administrator; and Brian Kepner, Little Sioux Drainage District Superintendent. Present for the flood update were Patrick Prorok, EMA Director; Sandy Bubke, Zoning/Environmental Health Administrator; and Brian Kepner, Little Sioux Drainage District Superintendent. Patrick updated the Board that the expenses for public assistance to see if we qualify are due in by Friday, July 12. He would like everyoneís expenses entered into the system by Wednesday, July 10. Sandy will be doing water tests on wells that were impacted by the flood waters. Discussion followed with no action taken. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve the minutes of July 2, 2024 as read. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve claims. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to re-appoint Bo Fox and Craig Hartman to the Missouri River Preservation and Land Use Authority. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to appoint Josh Schaben to the Missouri River Preservation and Land Use Authority. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillip. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Fox to acknowledge receipt of Monona County Zoning/Environmental Health quarterly report for FY 2024 April-June 2024. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to acknowledge receipt of the Sheriffís report of fees collected for June 2024. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to acknowledge receipt of Maximus Report of Monona Countyís Cost Allocation Plan for FY 2023. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve miscellaneous budget request from Loess Hills Alliance for $500 upon completion of the Monona County and Provider Program Agreement. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve miscellaneous budget request from Monona County Economic Development for $15,500. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve miscellaneous budget request from Veterans Memorial Museum for $2,000 upon completion of the Monona County and Provider Program Agreement. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve miscellaneous budget request from Monona County Historical Preservation Commission for $500 upon completion of the Monona County and Provider Program Agreement. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve miscellaneous budget request from Monona County Historical Society Museum for $1,000 upon completion of the Monona County and Provider Program Agreement. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve miscellaneous budget request from Siouxland Regional Transit System for $21,578. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve miscellaneous budget request from the Monona County Fair Board for $25,000. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve miscellaneous budget request from West Central Community Action for $2,500. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve miscellaneous budget request from Family Crisis Center for $1000 upon completion of the Monona County and Provider Program Agreement. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve miscellaneous budget request from Centers Against Abuse & Sexual Assault (CAASA) for $1000 upon completion of the Monona County and Provider Program Agreement. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve miscellaneous budget request from Monona County Soil & Water for $10,000. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve miscellaneous budget request from Western Iowa Community Improvement Regional Housing Trust Fund (WICIRHTF) for $15,183. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve miscellaneous budget request from SIMPCO for $2,919.15. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve miscellaneous budget request from Ute Senior Citizens for $300 upon completion of the Monona County and Provider Program Agreement. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve miscellaneous budget request from Blencoe Senior Citizens for $300 upon completion of the Monona County and Provider Program Agreement. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to authorize the Chairman’s signature on the miscellaneous funding letters. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to acknowledge receipt of resignation letter from Kyle Tank, Deputy Sheriff, effective July 31, 2024. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to hereby adjourn at the hour of 12:02 p.m. o’clock. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. /s/Bo Fox BO FOX, CHAIRPERSON MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: /s/Peggy A. Rolph PEGGY A. ROLPH, AUDITOR MP7-25-24