MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING JULY 30, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. o’clock on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 in the boardroom of the …


MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING JULY 30, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. o’clock on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 in the boardroom of the courthouse in Onawa, Monona County, Iowa with Chairman Fox presiding. Other, Supervisors present: Vince Phillips. Supervisor Absent: Tom Brouillette. Also, present was Auditor Peggy A. Rolph. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve the agenda. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Present, along with the Supervisors and Auditor for the Elected Official / Director Meeting, were: Haley Bryan, County Attorney; Sandy Bubke, Zoning/Environmental Health Administrator; Sharon Gries, Chief Deputy Assessor; Josh Schaben, Conservation Director; Jim Wigton, IT Director; Kevin Ewing, Sheriff; Patrick Prorok, EMA Director; Charles Bechtold, Secondary Roads Engineer and Wray Wright. Absent were Mark Witzel, VA Director; Abby Riesberg, Treasurer; and Kelly Seward, Recorder. Supervisor Fox reminded everyone to complete their employee evaluations per the State Auditor. Activities were discussed and information was shared. Amy Borchardt-Sick and Tammy Blinde, Drainage Clerks, were present for Drainage business. It was moved by Fox, seconded by Phillips to approve the claims for the Supervisor Drainage Districts. The claims are on file in the Drainage office of the Courthouse. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Fox, seconded by Phillips to approve Victor McCall to replace the 30î by 65í tube with a 30î by 70í tube on the Maple River Lateral 1, Belvidere Township, Section 1. Victor will replace the gate as well. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. It was discussed to have the responsibility of the Stamped Warrants transferred to the Drainage Office from the Treasurer Office. No action taken. Secondary Roads Engineer Charles Bechtold and Secondary Roads Office Manager Deleta Huffman were present for Secondary Roads business. The granular project is completed. Discussion items were fuel and claims. No action taken. Abby Riesberg, Treasurer, was present via phone to request permission for remote access. Treasurer Riesberg asked for indefinite remote access to be able to work from home. A lengthy discussion followed. Also, present were Sandy Bubke, Sharon Gries, and Jim Wigton. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to grant Treasurer Riesberg remote access to work from home, pending a doctorís note with an estimated return to work date. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve the minutes of July 23, 2024 as read. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve claims. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Breakdown For Payroll Claims Listing Ppe: 7/6/2024 Gross County Share (Match), Total Department, Payroll, Fica Match, Medicare Match , Ipers Match, W/Co.Share Assessor, 4,720.98, 255.16, 59.68, 445.66, 5,481.48 Supervisors, 2,056.64, 101.20, 23.67, 194.15, 2,375.66 Auditor, 5,101.09, 237.96, 55.65, 481.54, 5,876.24 Treasurer, 4,241.31, 208.60, 48.80, 400.37, 4,899.08 County Attorney, 5,525.13, 302.97, 70.86, 512.17, 6,411.13 Sheriff, 29,443.82, 1,680.77, 393.09, 2,594.82, 34,112.50 Recorder, 3,514.78, 199.12, 46.57, 331.80, 4,092.27 Auto/Treasurer, 2,006.10, 74.77, 17.49, 189.37, 2,287.73 Drainage, 1,777.42, 83.50, 19.53, 167.79, 2,048.24 Environ.Hlth/Zoning, 909.60, 43.20, 10.10, 85.87, 1,048.77 Sec. Road, 43,709.79, 2,392.77, 559.63, 4,080.84, 50,743.03 Veterans Admin, 307.40, 19.06, 4.46, 29.02, 359.94 Custodial, 1,578.60, 95.84, 22.41, 149.02,1,845.87 Conservation, 5,353.83, 312.42, 73.07, 502.32, 6,241.64 Elections, 1,221.30, 69.97, 16.36, 115.29, 1,422.92 Emerg. Mgt., 1,118.40, 65.63, 15.35, 105.58, 1,304.96 All Totals, 112,586.19, 6,142.94, 1,436.72, 10,385.61, 130,551.46 Breakdown For Payroll Claims Listing Ppe: 7/20/2024 Gross County Share (Match), Total Department, Payroll, Fica Match, Medicare Match, Ipers Match, W/Co.Share Assessor, 9,441.92, 558.07, 130.52, 891.31, 11,021.82 Supervisors, 4,113.25, 242.59, 56.74, 388.29, 4,800.87 Auditor, 10,202.17, 570.45, 133.41, 963.09, 11,869.12 Treasurer, 8,482.64, 485.47, 113.54, 800.77, 9,882.42 County Attorney, 8,574.54, 500.88, 117.14, 809.44, 10,002.00 Sheriff, 54,650.83, 3,275.58, 766.04, 4,814.12, 63,506.57 Recorder, 7,029.58, 420.76, 98.41, 663.59, 8,212.34 Auto/Treasurer, 4,012.22, 207.11, 48.44, 378.76, 4,646.53 Drainage, 3,554.86, 203.64, 47.63, 335.58, 4,141.71 Environ.Hlth/Zoning, 1,819.20, 99.59, 23.29, 171.73, 2,113.81 Sec. Road, 87,172.95,5,150.90, 1,204.63 , 8,130.95, 101,659.43 Veterans Admin, 1,011.50, 62.71, 14.67, 87.93, 1,176.81 Custodial, 3,215.20, 199.34, 46.62, 303.52, 3,764.68 General Relief-Dhs, 50.00, 3.10, 0.73, 0.00, 53.83 Conservation, 10,508.13, 640.52, 149.79, 983.85, 12,282.29 Elections, 2,442.59, 147.39, 34.47, 230.58, 2,855.03 Emerg. Mgt., 2,236.80, 137.00, 32.04, 211.15, 2,616.99 All Totals, 218,518.38, 12,905.10, 3,018.11, 20,164.66, 254,606.25 Access Systems Leasing, Copier Lease$1,541.05 Agriland Fs Inc, Diesel, Gasoline$14,940.28 Andrea Porter, Lhps Mileage$123.42 Anna Stoysich, Lhps Presentation$1,250.00 At & T, Phone Services$154.88 Bentson Pest Management, Services$225.00 Black Hills Energy, Utilities$272.63 Bob Barker Company Inc, Supplies$289.09 Bomgaars Inc - Conservation, Supplies$1,261.96 Bomgaars Inc - Zoning, Supplies$7.99 Bomgaars Inc - Sec Roads, Supplies$373.00 Bomgaars Inc - Sheriff, Supplies$79.45 Bomgaars Inc - Auditor, Supplies$43.74 Burgess Health Center, Consulting$50.00 Calhoun-Burns & Assoc. Inc., Bridge Insp. & Ratings$6,489.50 Capital One Trade Credit, Tools$88.01 Carrier Container Company, Llc, Dumpster Rental/Garbage$1,821.55 Central Iowa Distributing Inc, Janitor Supplies$271.00 Century Link, Phone Services$228.25 Chn Garbage Service, Garbage Service$90.09 Cindy Gries, Absentee Board Official$14.00 Core-Mark Midcontinent Inc, Inmate Food$2,188.73 Dale Vitito, Uniforms$144.85 Depart. Of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing, Elevator Inspection$175.00 Electronic Engineering, Services$19,300.00 Employee Benefit Systems, Insurance$164,767.46 Family Medicine Clinic Pc, Inmate Services$401.00 Farm & Home Publishers, Plat Books$895.00 First Bankcard - Auditor, Expenses$913.91 First Bankcard - Conservation, Expenses$83.22 First Bankcard - Data Processing, Expenses$457.26 First Bankcard - Ema, Expenses$1,787.52 First Bankcard - Sec Roads, Expenses$923.58 First Bankcard - Sheriff, Expenses$841.45 First Bankcard - Treasurer, Expenses$176.98 First Bankcard - Mechanic, Expenses$42.27 Fp Finance Program, Postage Meter$132.18 Frannie's Cafe Llc, Inmate Meals$186.00 Gcc Alliance Concrete Co, Inc, Patching$2,014.50 Glenn Wingert, Parts, Labor$535.00 Glup Pipe Sales Inc, Pipe Band$124.00 Government Forms & Supplies, Transfer Book$1,134.36 Grant Jager, Meeting Mileage$24.15 Griffith Plumbing Llc, Services$5,260.00 Hamann Trucking Llc, Hauling Granular$1,843.80 Harland Technology Services, Services$22,574.01 I & S Group, Drainage Services$195.00 Ia Dept Of Inspections & Appeals, Inspection$100.00 Iceoo, Iceoo Fall Conference$250.00 Icube, Dues$200.00 Imwca, Work Comp Fy 2024/2025$63,250.00 Invenio It, Cloud Storage$3,984.60 Iowa Dept Of Natural Resources, Well Permits$225.00 Iowa Dept Of Transportation, Signs$874.20 Iowa Dnr, Water Supply$25.00 Iowa Law Enforcement Academy, Evaluation$150.00 Iowa Negotiation Services, Llc, Services$2,400.00 Iowa Prison Industries, Vehicle Lettering$259.60 Isu, Inst For Transportation, Streets/Roads Workshop$1,625.00 Iowwa, Folders$60.00 Isac, Fy 2025 Membership Dues$7,450.00 Isac Group Unemployment, Group Unemployment$3,589.15 Jay-Lan Lawn Care, Services$67.98 Jean Bottorff, Precinct Election Official$204.24 Jill Hogancamp, Absentee Board Official$14.00 Jim Hawk Truck Trailers Inc., Parts$73.84 Jim Wigton, Mileage$102.05 John Deere Financial, Parts$94.98 Junnah Huntley, Meeting Reimbursements$65.69 Karl Emergency Vehicles, Patrol Vehicle$49,905.20 Kelly Seward, Mileage$131.65 Knife River Midwest Llc, Cold Patch$2,414.00 Kristi Knoff, Absentee Board Official$33.84 L G Everist Inc, Quartzite$1,145.79 Lano Equipment Inc, Parts$2,795.00 Leaf Capital Funding Llc, Copier Lease$129.00 Lessman Electrical Supply Inc., Ballasts$80.00 Lewis Machine & Tool, Receiver$719.00 Long Lines, Phone Services$3,664.03 Mac's Chevrolet-Pontiac Inc, Vehicle$36,052.98 Mapleton Communications, Phone Service $100.47 Mapleton Press Inc., Publication$1,521.02 Mapleton, City Of, Ammunition/Taser$1,293.84 Marilyn Struble, Precinct Election Official$241.80 Marliss Hitchman, Precinct Election Official$219.48 Matt Parrott/Storey Kenworthy, Supplies$53.20 Max I Walker, Mechanic Uniforms$295.52 Mccloy Chiropractic Clinic, Drug Testing$40.00 Mcnally Operations Llc, Office Supplies$93.82 Menards-Sioux City, Supplies$479.00 Mid American Energy, Utilities$873.21 Mid Country Machinery Inc, Equipment Rental$3,239.50 Mid Country Machinery, Inc, Rental$170.50 Midwest Service & Sales Co., Chains$5,600.00 Midwest Turf & Irrigation, Parts$277.74 Monona Co. Economic Development, Contribution$15,500.00 Monona County Fair Association, Funding$25,000.00 Monona County Historic Preservation Comm., Funding$500.00 Monona County Sanitary Landfil, Fy2025 1St Half $68,940.00 Monona County Secondary Roads, Vehicle Services$1,056.87 Monona County Sheriff, Services$194.00 Monona County Soil Conservation, Funding$10,000.00 Mph Industries Inc, Radar$2,239.00 Newman Traffic Signs Inc., Signs$369.69 Norstar Industries Inc, Parts$2,168.76 Office Elements, Supplies$595.00 Onawa Democrat, Publication$35.70 Onawa Sentinel, Camping Envelopes$1,285.25 Onawa, City Of, Utilities$4,216.68 O'reilly Automotive Inc., Car Service$600.93 Other Policy & Administration, County Car Use$119.38 Patrick Prorok, Meeting Meals$81.56 Peggy Rolph, Meeting Reimbursements$24.26 Polk County Sheriff, Services$49.74 Rml Architects Llc, Services$4,604.52 Robert Haack, Meeting Mileage$9.92 Rxc Tires Llc, Tire Repair$200.00 Ryan Publishing Company, Publication$99.00 Safety Kleen Systems Inc, Solvent Soldier Shop$243.46 Sam's Club Mc/Syncb, Inmate Food$712.83 Sandy Bubke, Mileage$131.29 Schumacher Elevator Co., Services$309.78 Secondary Road Fund, Fuel Expense$59.69 Secretary Of State, Notary Stamp$30.00 Simpco, Services$2,919.15 Sioux Sales Co, Uniforms$144.69 Siouxland District Health, Water Tests$814.00 Siouxland Hydraulic Inc, Parts$378.74 Siouxland Reg Transit, Services$5,394.50 Sirchie Acquisition Co., Llc, Testing Kits$132.72 Soldier, City Of, Utilities$58.30 Sooland Bobcat, Parts$51.47 Spectra Associates Inc, Book Reinforcement$55.95 Stangel Pharmacy, Inmate Prescriptions$270.30 State Hygienic Laboratory, Water Tests$652.50 Struble Agronomy, Llc, Chemicals$5,898.38 Sunshine Foods, Inmate Food$280.11 Terri L Pratt, Meeting Reimbursements$829.45 The Sidwell Company, Web Hosting Drainage $830.72 Thompson Solutions Group Co, Services$20,326.38 Thomson Reuters, Software$602.23 Town Of Moorhead, Utilities$44.30 Tyler Technologies, Tax Management$49,408.40 Vanguard Appraisals Inc, Service Fees$17,855.00 Verizon Wireless, Phone Services$2,046.84 Vetter Equipment Co, Cub Cadet Lawn Mower$24,785.16 Waterbury Funeral Service, Burial Services$1,750.00 West Central Community Action, Contribution$2,500.00 Western Iowa Power Coop, Utilities$2,731.38 Whks & Co, Contract Engineer Services$4,950.00 Wiatel, Phone Services$74.95 William J. Wood, Building Rent$175.00 Willson & Pechacek Plc, Legal Services$2,883.50 Wimactel, Inc., Pay Phone$91.50 Windstream, Phone Services$570.21 Woodbury Co Conservation Board, Lhps Program$75.00 Woodbury County Sheriff, Services$43.00 Ziegler Inc, Parts$178.43 Total:$742,550.61 Fund Recap Report Fund: Description, Total By Fund 0001 General Basic$201,222.74 0002 General Supplemental$16,495.83 0007 County Attorney Trust Fund$55.99 0011 Rural Basic$159,989.34 0020 Secondary Roads$110,596.56 0022 Flood & Erosion$10,000.00 0036 Arpa Funding$25,125.90 0040 Conservation Trust Fund$1,474.30 4000 Emergency Management $1,482.43 4010 E911 Surcharge Trust Fund$18,538.26 4100 County Assessor$32,801.80 8500 Health Insurance Trust Fund$164,767.46 Monthly Total:$742,550.61 Supervisor Fox attended the Monona County Economic Development meeting. He shared the information presented. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to approve fireworks permit for the City of Onawa/Harvest Festival. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to authorize the Chairmanís signature on Monona County and Provider Program Agreement with Monona County Veterans Memorial Museum. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Fox to authorize the Chairman’s signature on Monona County and Provider Agreement with the Ute Senior Citizens. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to hereby adjourn at the hour of 12:30 p.m. o’clock. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. /s/Bo Fox BO FOX, CHAIRPERSON MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: /s/Peggy A. Rolph PEGGY A. ROLPH, AUDITOR MP8-15-24