Minutes Of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Schleswig Community School District December 9, 2024 Annual Meeting Call to Order: President Gurney called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Danette Miller, Jason Schneider Absent: Rachel Jacobsen, Cindy March Administration: Kim Buryanek, Superintendent; Andrea Gurney, Principal; Mallory Meyer, Business Manager/Board Secretary Others Present: Danae Petersen Correspondence: None Consent Items - A motion was made by Danette Miller, second by Jason Schneider to approve the consent items (agenda, minutes, bills, and financial reports). Motion carried 3-0. Personnel Report Resignations- None Appointments- None 2023-2024 Treasurer’s Report a) Approval of Treasurer’s Report-Including Sworn Statement from Each Depository – Danette Miller moved, seconded by Jason Schneider to approve the 2023-2024 treasurer’s report. Motion carried 3-0. SEA Report – Danae Petersen thanked the board members for their ongoing support and reported that staff are participating in a Secret Santa Gift Exchange and 12 Days of Christmas dress up days. Adjournment of annual meeting at 5:36 pm. Organizational Meeting Call to Order: Board Secretary, Mallory Meyer called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm. Members Present: Wade Gurney, Danette Miller, Jason Schneider Absent: Rachel Jacobsen, Cindy March Administration: Kim Buryanek, Superintendent; Andrea Gurney, Principal; Mallory Meyer, Business Manager/Board Secretary Others Present: Danae Petersen Election of President and Vice Jason Schneider nominated Wade Gurney for Board President. Danette Miller seconded. Ayes: Danette Miller, Jason Schneider, Wade Gurney. Nays: None. Motion carried 3-0. Jason Schneider moved to nominate Danette Miller for Board Vice President. Wade Gurney seconded. Ayes: Jason Schneider, Wade Gurney, Danette Miller. Nays: None. Motion carried 3-0. a) New Officers Oath of Office - Board Secretary Meyer gave the oath of office to Wade Gurney, President and Danette Miller, Vice President. Consent Items - A motion was made by Jason Schneider, second by Danette Miller, to approve the consent item (agenda). Motion carried 3-0. Statutory Appointments a) Appoint District Legal Counsel – Jason Schneider moved, seconded by Danette Miller to appoint Ahlers and Cooney, P.C. as the legal counsel for the Schleswig CSD. Motion carried 3-0. b) Appoint Board Secretary/Treasurer – Jason Schneider moved, seconded by Danette Miller to appoint Mallory Meyer as the Board Secretary/Treasurer for the Schleswig CSD. Motion carried 3-0. President Gurney administered the Oath of Office. c) Adopt Resolution Approving Each Depository – Danette Miller moved, seconded by Jason Schneider to adopt a Resolution Naming Depositories as Bank Iowa, United Bank of Iowa, and Bankers Trust (UMB) with balance limits of $5,000,000 each, and Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust with a balance limit of $1,000,000. Motion carried 3-0. Superintendent Report a) Approve Request to School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) for Modified Supplemental Amount for Open Enrollment Out of $59,373 – Jason Schneider moved, seconded by Danette Miller to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the SBRC for MSA of $59,373 for open enrollment out. Motion carried 3-0. b) Approve Application for At-Risk/Dropout Prevention Modified Supplemental Amount – Jason Schneider moved, seconded by Danette Miller to approve a request to the SBRC for MSA and supplemental aid for $45,215 to implement the at-risk/dropout prevention program. Motion carried 3-0. c) Discussion on Possible Legislative Regional Meeting – An invitation has been extended to Senator Schultz and Representative Holt to meet with area school district personnel to discuss the upcoming legislative session on January 8, 2025. d) Administrator Update Mrs. Gurney shared: Student Council will go to Sioux City on December 4 to volunteer at the Salvation Army and Food Pantry. December 16 is the last ESports date. The Winter Concert and the last wrestling meet are on December 17. Student Council is holding a Pie in the Face fundraiser to provide gifts to nursing home residents. December 19 is the last boys’ basketball game and the PBIS reward trip to the movies. December 20th is the last day of the semester and care package day. Data is being collected to identify next steps in the district’s PBIS plan. e) Reminder of January 13, 2025 at 5:30 pm Board Meeting and January 28, 2025 AEA/IASB/SAI Day on the Hill f) Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i)-To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session – Danette Miller moved, seconded by Jason Schneider to enter closed session. Ayes: Danette Miller, Jason Schneider, Wade Gurney. Nays: None. Motion carried and the Board entered Closed Session at 6:02 pm Danette Miller moved, seconded by Wade Gurney to return to open session at 6:56 pm. Ayes: Danette Miller, Jason Schneider, Wade Gurney. Nays: None. Motion carried 3-0. Adjournment-There being no further business to come before the Board for consideration at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 6:57 pm. Wade Gurney, President Mallory Meyer, Board Secretary Approval of December 9, 2024 Minutes Schleswig Community School December 9, 2024 Board Bills Vendor Name Invoice Description Invoice Amount General Fund Bank Iowa, Petty Cash 300.00 Bmo, Supplies/Repairs/Postage 14,200.82 Bomgaars, Supplies 32.99 Card Services, Supplies 499.52 Carpenter Paper, Supplies 1,359.00 Carroll Control Systems, Inc., Repairs 190.00 Cenex Fleet Fueling, Gasoline 381.47 Denison Community School Dist., Activity Tickets 25.00 Denison Do It Best Hardware, Supplies 131.95 Dollar General-Regions 410526, Supplies 4.95 Home Depot Pro, The, Supplies 1,078.56 Immanuel Lutheran Preschool, Preaschool Services 6,505.20 Iowa Association Of School Boards, Needs Assessment 1,250.00 J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., Supplies 91.30 Lingle, Toni, Nov 2024 Transportation 663.00 Lyons, Don, Official 300.00 Mapleton Press, Legal Publications 114.73 Martin Bros., Supplies 259.59 Meyer, Charlie, Official 300.00 Perma Bound, Supplies 14.19 Prairie Lakes Aea, Supplies 220.42 R&S Waste Disposal, Trash Disposal 458.42 Schleswig, City Of, Water/Sewer 357.75 Sexton Oil Co., Diesel 1,839.16 V & H Tire Co., Repair 22.00 Visual Edge It, Inc, Copier Usage 34.45 Western Iowa Tech, Driver Class 240.00 Windstream, Phone 387.90 Total 31,262.37 Save Fund Bmo, Supplies/Repairs/Postage 2,798.82 Card Services, Supplies 596.99 Total 3,395.81 Nutrition Fund Dfa Dairy Brands, Llc, Milk 756.64 Martin Bros., Supplies 4,022.37 Total 4,779.01 MP12-19-24