MAPLE VALLEY-ANTHON OTO COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The board of education, staff, and volunteers of the Maple Valley-Anthon Oto Community School shall be responsible for developing the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and creative skills which will enable students to become productive caring citizens in an ever-changing world. Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Middle School Library, Anthon, IA Present: Wimmer, Kennedy, Streck, Hamann, and Schram Others: 11 guests I. Opening of Meeting – President Wimmer called the meeting to order and declared a quorum at 7:00 PM. II. Communications - none III. Consent Agenda – Hamann moved and Schram seconded to approve the consent agenda. 5 ayes. Motion carried. General $129,440.13; Management $1,164.68; PPEL $7,610; Activity $21,124.37; Hot Lunch $40,497.14; Infrastructure $76,833.41; Extra&Hourly Pay $162,456.79. IV. Action Items A. Employee Resignations/Contract Modifications/Hiring - none B. Dropout Prevention Application for SBRC – Streck moved and Kennedy seconded to approve the SBRC dropout prevention for $221,262. 5 ayes. Motion carried. C. Board Policy Review – Hamann moved and Schram seconded to approve policy 503.7. 5 ayes. Motion carried. D. Classified Staffing – the board met in exempt session to discuss this item. When they came out of exempt session Schram moved and Streck seconded to approve a reduction in force of up to 3 paraprofessionals. 5 ayes. Motion carried. E. Facility Purchase School Safety Grant – Kennedy moved and Schram seconded to approve the remaining safety grant expenses for up to $30,000. 5 ayes. Motion carried. V. Reports A. Administrator Reports B. Early Graduates for 2024-2025 VII. Future Agenda Item Requests A. High School Registration Guide B. School Calendar for 2025-2026 VIII. Announcements A. Winter Break: December 20, 2023-January 5th, 2025 Staff Training January 3rd, 2025 and Classes Resume January 6th, 2025 B. Conference Rule – No Activities – December 23rd-December 27th, 2024 C. Next meeting – Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 at 6:00 PM in Mapleton D. Joint meeting with COU Community School Board – Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 at 7:00 PM in Mapleton. IX. Adjourn – President Wimmer adjourned the meeting at 8:39 PM MVAO Board President – Wimmer MVAO Board Secretary - Klingensmith Mvao School Board Bills 12/11/24 Vendor, Description Check Total General Ahlers & Cooney Pc, Legal 1,005.00 Amazon.Com Business Account, Supplies 880.30 Anthon Service Center, Repair 404.71 Arnold Motor Supply, Supplies 2,698.26 Babl, Marcela, Reimbursement 180.00 Become Best, Tuition 8,400.00 Bomgaars, Supplies 1,778.32 Boysen, Kim, Supplies 336.00 Britton, Laurie, Reimbursement 20.85 Casey’s Business Mastercard, Fuel 729.53 Cenex Fleetcard, Fuel 1,520.15 City Of Anthon, Anthon City Hall, Utilities 6,302.81 Collegeboard, Supplies 323.28 Collins, Bill, Reimbursement 882.00 Cornhusker International Trucks, Supplies 207.00 Crawford County Cinema Iv, Supplies 800.00 Else, Crista, Reimbursement 176.00 Facts Education Solutions, Llc, Supplies 1,929.31 First Unum Life Insurance Company, Insurance 546.96 Food Land, Supplies 369.79 Gopher Performance, Supplies 135.66 Healthiest You, Insurance 665.00 Home Depot Pro Institutional, The, Supplies 2,022.93 Innovations Associates, Supplies 170.00 Iowa Information Media Group, Publishing/Advertising 302.94 Izzy B, Author Visit 1,662.08 J.W. Pepper & Sons, Inc., Supplies 242.99 Jessen Automotive, Supplies 104.98 Johnson Propane Inc, Propane 550.00 Jostens, Yearbook 39.10 Kafton, Karly, Reimbursement 9.99 Landwehr, Logan, Reimbursement 115.00 Lefebvre, Michaela, Reimbursement 22.00 Long Lines, Telephone 226.45 Macs Chevrolet Pontiac, Supplies 169.00 Mapleton Press, Legal Publishing/Renew 272.74 Matheson Tri Gas, Inc, Supplies 119.44 Mcelmuray, Graig, Reimbursement 194.68 Menards, Supplies 500.77 Mercy One, Physical 127.82 New Coop-Ute, Fuel 2,729.39 Oberreuter, Angela , Reimbursement 19.05 Pioneer Manufacturing Company, Supplies 1,670.70 Project Lead The Way, Pltw Supply 950.00 Quill Corporation, Supplies 1,426.48 Sanitary Services, Garbage 421.30 Stamp Fulfillment Services, Supplies 4,4H28.40 United Healthcare, Insurance 79,929.25 Us Bank, Supplies 469.85 Verizon Business Services, Telephone 39.98 Verizon Wireless, Telephone 120.05 Wimmer, Jon, Reimbursement 91.84 Fund Total: 129,440.13 Management Levy Fund United Healthcare, Insurance 1,164.68 Fund Total: 1,164.68 Physical Plnt & Equip Levy Fnd Sign Expressions Supplies 7,610.00 Fund Total: 7,610.00 Student Activity Fund Business Professionals Of America, Bpa 426.00 Chesterman Company, Supplies 3,391.52 Clark, Kristi, Reimbursement 225.75 Dannco, Inc, Supplies 110.22 Dose, Corey, Reimbursement 112.61 Fresh Prints, Supplies 547.68 Gacke, Jeff, Official 175.00 Game One, Supplies 3,089.40 Gochenour, Justin, Official 300.00 Hamman, Ali, Prize 15.00 Hanson, Peyton, Prize 5.00 Henderson, Al, Official 190.00 Holst, Laura, Reimbursement 551.50 Ida Bowl, Supplies 350.00 Iowa Girls High School Athletic, Membership 130.00 Iowa Lakes Comm College, Entry Fees 100.00 Iowa Quiz Bowl League, Entry Fees 185.00 Klingensmith, Chance, Prize 15.00 Kovarna, David, Reimbursement 280.65 Kreman, Shawn, Official 300.00 Krispy Krem, Supplies 4,057.50 Lefeber, Steve, Official 175.00 Lucas, Nick, Official 140.00 Muckey, Dennis, Supplies 120.00 Nagel, Aric, Official 600.00 Ridge View Community School, Entry Fees 100.00 Sanford, Denny, Official 300.00 Sass, Angela, Reimbursement 184.17 Security National Bank, Change Bags 360.00 Sellers, Tom, Official 300.00 Shima, Jim, Official 175.00 Smeltzer, Brian, Reimbursement 151.36 Uhl, Liam, Prize 5.00 Us Bank, Supplies 3,059.00 Utterback, Jackson, Prize 5.00 Vollstedt, Steve, Official 140.00 Walling, Dave, Official 175.00 Walsh, John, Official 180.00 Wessling, Douglas, Official 610.00 Wiederspohn, Zachary, Prize 5.00 Wimmer, Jon, Reimbursement 82.01 Fund Total: 21,124.37 School Nutrition Fund Computer Information Concepts, Supplies 379.00 Food Land, Supplies 109.98 Kemps, Supplies 2,058.98 Martin Bros, Supplies 37,949.18 Fund Total: 40,497.14 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund Cannon Moss Brygger & Associates, Safety Grant 1,314.81 Gordon Flesch Company Inc Copiers 132.89 Jensen Motors, Inc, Van 52,900.00 Lakeport Heating And Cooling, Services 455.00 Nch Dba Chemsearch, Supplies 1,760.17 Rasmussen Mechanical Services Services 910.27 Rentokil North America, Inc., Services 216.12 Rick’s Computer, Support/Hardware/Equipment 10,605.75 Riser Incorporated, Supplies 2,000.00 Rollins Inc Dba Orkin, Llc, Services 600.00 Thompson Solutions Group Fob Key System 4,482.39 Tk Elevator Corporation ,Elevator Maintenance 456.01 Vision Quest Mat, Repairs 1,000.00 Fund Total: 76,833.41 MP12-19-24