City of Ute REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 8, 2024 – City Hall 7:00 p.m. The Ute City Council met with Mayor James Henschen in regular, open session on Monday, July 8th at 7pm in the Council Chambers, City Hall with the following council members present: Jimmy Carlson, Josh Gotto, Sue Kelm, Matt Leitz, Ryan Pithan. Also Present: City Clerk Megan Peitsch, Public Works Superintendent Lonnie Carlson, Michael Kluver, Erica Kragel, and Richard Hageman. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Henschen. Motion by Gotto/Pithan to change the following on the agenda: Agenda Item 9a: Pay App 9 – Group A changed to Pay App 8 - Group A. Agenda Item 9b: Pay App 11 – Group B changed to Pay App 10 – Group B. Correct Pay Apps were in given packet and the payment amounts are the same, only the Pay App number was wrong. All Ayes. MC Motion by Leitz/Kelm to approve the agenda with the two changes referenced above. All Ayes. MC Public Forum had 2 speakers: Resident Kluver spoke on a dog complaint, Resident Hageman spoke regarding the previous month’s minutes and document destruction. Previous month minutes were reviewed by Council. No changes were made. Mayor Henschen stated that there were three building permits approved for this month. 315 N Padley (Garage, expand driveway, breezeway), 607 S Monona Ave (Garage with lean-to), 318 E 6th St (temporary ramp). Public Works Superintendent LCarlson gave a general update. Maguire Iron is aiming to erect the tower on July 16th. The Water Tower Project is moving along on schedule. City Clerk Peitsch shared a general update of the City Clerk’s office. The following financial reports were presented and discussed for the Month of June: Cash Report, Treasurer’s Report, Outstanding Transactions, Budget Report by Function, Bank Reconciliations for Bank 1 and Bank 4. Utility Billing Reconciliation for June was presented and discussed. Receipts for June totaled $55,546.83: 001 GENERAL $10,203.15, 110 ROAD USE TAX $5,389.14, 112 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $301.36, 119 EMERGENCY $25.19, 121 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX $2,656.00, 303 CAP 2023 WATER TOWER PR $15,485.00, 600 WATER $13,916.34, 601 WATER – DEPOSITS $100.00, 610 SEWER $7,470.65 Motion by Pithan/Gotto to approve the consent agenda consisting of: Approval of June 2024 bills and payroll, Approval of City Council minutes 06/03/2024 Regular Meeting, Approval of June cash report, treasurer’s report, budget by function, bank and utility reconciliations as presented by the City Clerk, Liquor license approval (pending dramshop review) for VFW and Ada J’s Steakhouse, Water Tower Project Items – Approval of Pay App 8 – Group A, Approval of Pay App 10 – Group B. All Ayes. MC Motion by JCarlson/Gotto to approve the resolution authorizing the transfer of certain funds at the beginning of Fiscal Year 2025 (RESOLUTION #2024-33). All Ayes. MC Discussion was held on a new roof for the city owned post office building. Leitz will try to get an estimate of work needed by the next meeting so the City can go out for bid. Motion by Pithan/JCarlson to add Ute to the Iowa DNR Urban Forestry Community Tree Inventory Program for 2025. All Ayes. MC Discussion was held on sidewalk nuisance abatements. Clerk will write up a sample letter for approval at the next meeting. Motion by Leitz/Gotto to move forward with a new well project as a problem has been identified with one of our current and the City has been advised that a new well will be needed. City Clerk to reach out to agencies to determine next steps for project planning. All Ayes. MC Deputy City Clerk applications were reviewed and City Clerk will reach out to applicants to schedule interviews with City Council. Discussion was held on a new ordinance in regards to the City Park and a resolution setting a code of conduct for the park. City Clerk will have the ordinance on August agenda. Motion by Leitz/Pithan to enter into a 63 month bundled lease (equipment + maintenance agreement) with Visual Edge IT for a Kyocera ECOSYS MA4000cifx at a cost of $ 86.00 per month. All Ayes. MC Discussion was held on the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning (SIMPCO). The City of Ute will participate and a formal agreement vote will be at the next meeting. Motion by Pithan/Leitz to purchase the 2024 John Deere Z970R ZTrak from Van-Wall in Denison for $4,350.00 with our trade-in. All Ayes. MC City Hall will be closed Tuesday July 23, 2024. Next regular meeting to be August 5, 2024 at 7pm at City Hall. Motion by JCarlson/Pithan to adjourn at 7:54pm. All Ayes. MC. Submitted by: Megan Peitsch, City Clerk June Claims Report For July Meeting Vendor, ReferenceAmount Acs, Network Repair$588.99 Badger Meter, Meter Hosting$11.05 Bc’s Ampride Truck Plaza, Truck Fuel$393.89 Bomgaars, Supplies$453.39 Bretthauer Appliance, Filters $78.00 Chn Garbage Service, Garbage Pick Up$2,400.10 Crary Huff, Legal Services$1,233.69 Dunlap Lumber And Home Supply, Lumber$85.58 Eftps Irs, Fed/Fica Tax$1,673.36 Foundation Analytical Lab, Water Testing $37.50 Heartland Backflow Inc, Sewer Repair$160.00 Incontrol Electronics, Fire Door Dues$17.00 Iowa Dept Of Natural Resources, Fy25 Water Supply Fee$37.08 Iowa League Of Cities, Membership Dues $417.00 Iowa Unemployment, Qtr 2 Unemployment$82.82 Ipers, Ipers-Regula$1,122.50 Jamie Neddermeyer, Storm Cleanup $1,800.00 Jeo Consulting Group, Water Tower Engineering$1,533.75 John Deere Financial, Tractor Parts $15.39 King Construction, Plant Repair Claim$8,587.50 Kiron Lumber Store, Shelter House Supplies$782.32 Mapleton Press, Publishing$220.32 Mcclintock Boehm Insurance, Ins Workman Comp Audit$1,125.00 Midamerican Energy, Electric$2,037.42 Moores Portables & Pumping, Port-A-Pots$640.00 Mumm Soft Water, Softener Salt$11.00 New Cooperative Inc, Oil$9.68 Odp Business Solutions Lc, Office Supplies$35.98 Quill, Paper$124.47 Sam, Inc, Gis Annual Dues$1,200.00 Simmering-Cory Iowa Codificati, Recodification Down Payment$1,000.00 Iowa Department Of Revenue, Wet Tax June 2024$716.37 Iowa Department Of Revenue, State Taxes$257.55 Team Lab, Lagoon Supplies$962.50 Usps, Postage$946.73 Ute Fire Fighters, Idnr Grant Supplies$2,062.21 Ute Senior Citizens, July Senior Meals Contract$140.00 Ute Tire & Automotive, Truck Maintenance$90.15 Wellmark, Health Insurance$1,040.56 Wex, Fuel$70.17 Windstream, Phone/Internet $324.67 Windstream, Phone/Internet$76.70 Wipco, Sewer Electric$40.00 Accounts Payable Total$34,642.39 Payroll Checks$9,401.54 ***** Report Total *****$44,043.93 General$22,302.87 Library Fund (Gen)$145.70 Road Use Tax$836.32 Employee Benefits$520.28 Cap 2023 Water Tower Proj$1,533.75 Water$13,940.43 Sewer$4,764.58 Total Funds$44,043.93 MP7-18-24