City of Ute REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Monday, August 5, 2024 – City Hall 7:00 pm The Ute City Council met with Mayor James Henschen in regular, open session on Monday, August 5th at 7pm in the Council Chambers, City Hall with the following council members present: Jimmy Carlson, Josh Gotto, Sue Kelm, Matt Leitz. Absent: Ryan Pithan. Also Present: City Clerk Megan Peitsch, Public Works Superintendent Lonnie Carlson, Gary Goslar, and Bob Bendixen. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Henschen. Motion by JCarlson/Gotto to approve the agenda. All Ayes. MC Bob Bendixen spoke on behalf of Western Iowa Wireless to propose renting space on the new water tower for equipment. Discussion was held and Council will discuss further. Public Forum had 1 speaker: Resident Goslar spoke on sewer charges for outdoor water. Mayor Henschen stated that three building permits were approved this month: 600 S Monona (Fertilizer Tank), 310 E 7th St (New Deck), and 203 S Monona (New Deck) Public Works Superintendent LCarlson gave a general update. Painting on the new water tower will begin soon and the plan is for them to work 7 days a week until complete. Iowa DNR Sanitary Survey was completed this past month and there were no areas of concern other than needing a finalized plan for well #3’s known issues, which is already happening. City Clerk Peitsch shared a general update of the City Clerk’s office. The following financial reports were presented and discussed for the month of July: Cash Report, Treasurer’s Report, Outstanding Transactions, Budget Report by Function, Bank Reconciliations for Bank 1, 2, and 3. Utility Billing Reconciliation for July was presented and discussed. The FY24 Street Finance Report and Outstanding Debt Obligation Reports were reviewed. Receipts for July totaled: $294,165.57: 001 GENERAL $25,083.25, 110 ROAD USE TAX $3,845.91, 112 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $203.71, 119 EMERGENCY $17.02, 121 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX $3,705.47, 303 CAP 2023 WATER TOWER PR $175,425.32, 600 WATER $52,370.58, 601 WATER – DEPOSITS $2,550, 602 WATER RESERVE SINKING FUND $6,200, 603 WATER RESERVE SHORT LIVED ASSET $18,000, 610 SEWER $6,764.31. Motion by Leitz/Gotto to approve the consent agenda consisting of: Approval of July 2024 bills and payroll, Approval of City Council minutes: 7/08/2024 Regular meeting, Approval of July cash report, treasurer’s report, budget by function, bank and utility billing reconciliations, FY24 Street Finance Report, and FY24 Outstanding Debt Obligation Report as presented by City Clerk, Water Tower Project Items: Approval of Pay App 9 – Group A (Maguire Iron), Approval of Certificate of Substantial Completion – Group B (King Construction), Approval of Pay App 3 and Final – Generator (Mid-States), Approval of Certificate of Substantial Completion – Generator (Mid-States), Approval of Mayor to sign CDBG Gax Draw #9. All Ayes. MC Mayor Henschen introduced Ordinance 230: Ordinance Adding to the Ute Municipal Code, 2017 Title II – Policy and Administration, Chapter 10 – Park Regulations. Motion by JCarlson/Kelm to approve the first reading in title only. Results of vote: Ayes: JCarlson, Gotto, Kelm, Leitz. Nays: None. Absent: Pithan. Motion carried 4 -0-1. Motion by Gotto/Leitz to waive the second and third readings, and place the ordinance on final passage. Results of vote: Ayes: JCarlson, Gotto, Kelm, Lietz. Nays: None. Absent: Pithan. Motion carried 4-0-1. Motion by JCarlson/Kelm to approve give final approval and direct ordinance to be published. Results of vote: Ayes: JCarlson, Gotto, Kelm, Leitz. Nays: None. Absent: Pithan. Motion carried 4 -0-1. Motion by Gotto/Kelm to approve the resolution regarding assessment of unpaid nuisance mowing charges (RESOLUTION #2024-34). All ayes. MC Motion by JCarlson/Gotto to accept the proposed price for a new membrane on the post office roof for a cost of $15,646 from Elevate Roofing. Ayes: JCarlson, Gotto, Kelm. Nays: None. Absent: Pithan. Abstain: Leitz (Conflict of Interest). MC Further discussion was held on sidewalk abatements as required by insurance. Motion by Leitz/Gotto to approve the City Clerk to apply for the USDA SEARCH grant. All Ayes. MC Park code of conduct and shelter house rules were reviewed. A resolution will be on the next meeting agenda. Motion by Leitz/JCarlson to formally approve of the Mayor, PW Superintendent Lonnie Carlson, and City Clerk Megan Peitsch participating in the Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning and sign the contract. All Ayes. MC Motion by Leitz/Gotto to allow the Ute Community Club to purchase and install the Expression Swing for the City Park. Ayes: JCarlson, Gotto, Leitz. Nays: None. Absent: Pithan. Abstain: Kelm (Conflict of Interest). MC Motion by Leitz/Kelm to approve the New Cooperative Propane Contract. Ayes: JCarlson, Kelm, Leitz. Nays: None. Absent: Pithan. Abstain: Gotto (Conflict of Interest). MC Motion by Leitz/JCarlson to accept the bid from Barkley Asphalt for street projects for FY2025 totaling $18,950.00. All Ayes. MC Motion by Gotto/Leitz to approve the Ute Fire Department USFS Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application. All Ayes. MC Michelle Carlson has resigned as Library board president and city hall custodian effective 7/12/24. Leaving both positions vacant. Motion by JCarlson/Leitz to hire Micah Peitsch for the position of City Hall Custodian at a rate of $10/hour. All Ayes. MC Motion by JCarlson/Kelm to designate calling in as the City’s virtual choice for city council members unable to attend meetings in person in accordance with Iowa Senate File 2385 Division VII – Amendment to Chapter 21. All Ayes. MC. Next regular meeting September 9, 2024 at 7pm at City Hall. Motion by Leitz/Gotto to adjourn at 8:39pm. All Ayes. MC. Submitted By: Megan Peitsch, City Clerk July 2024 For August Meeting Claims Report Vendor, ReferenceAmount Acco, Water Chemicals$463.80 Badger Meter, Service Agreement -July Host $796.09 Barco, Street Sign Parts$230.76 Bc’s Ampride Truck Plaza, Truck Fuel$117.72 Bomgaars, Supplies$563.61 Brenda Christiansen, Jo Larsen Book $28.95 Chn Garbage Service, Garbage Pick Up$2,400.10 Community Bank, Nsf Service Charge Water Bill$12.00 Cory Abbott, Street Repairs$3,300.00 Dunlap Plumbing & Heating, New Furnace$12,352.68 Eftps Irs, Fed/Fica Tax$1,509.82 Electric Pump, Arpa Pump Motor$2,131.98 Foundation Analytical Lab, Water Testing$37.50 Incontrol Electronics, Fire Door Dues$17.00 Iowa One Call, Digging$12.50 Iowa Rural Water, Irwa Fall Conference Reg$180.00 Ipers, Ipers-Regula $1,140.18 Jeo Consulting Group, Water Tower Engineering$1,076.25 King Construction, Water Tower Pay App 9$148,077.97 King Construction, Water Tower Pay App 10$5,272.50 Maguire Iron, Water Tower Pay App 8$65,550.00 Mapleton Press, Minutes Publish$131.84 Midamerican Energy, Electric$1,982.84 Moores Portables & Pumping, Port-O-Pot$320.00 New Cooperative Inc, Diesel Fuel$1,524.66 Simpco, Cdbg Admin Apr-June 2024$5,624.00 Simpco, Membership Dues $722.50 Iowa Department Of Revenue, July 2024 Wet Tax$896.17 Iowa Department Of Revenue, State Tax$265.49 Team Lab, Degreaser $1,310.00 Ute Senior Citizens, Aug Senior Meals Contract$140.00 Van Wall Denison, Mower$4,000.00 Wellmark, Health Insurance$1,040.56 Wex, Fuel$196.64 Windstream, Phone/Internet$325.29 Windstream, Phone/Internet$76.93 Wipco, Sewer Electric$40.00 Accounts Payable Total$263,868.33 Payroll Checks $5,161.35 ***** Report Total *****$269,029.68 General $30,824.53 Library Fund (Gen)$161.97 Road Use Tax$823.07 Employee Benefits$520.28 2021 American Rescue Plan$2,131.98 Cap 2023 Water Tower Proj$225,675.47 Water$5,123.36 Sewer$3,769.02 Total Funds$269,029.68 MP8-15-24