
City of Mapleton ORDINANCE 485 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF MAPLETON, IOWA BY AMENDING CODE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO PARKING; AND REPEALING CONFLICTING PROVISIONS WHEREAS, the City of Mapleton, Iowa (“City”) is considering an amendment to its ordinances and zoning ordinance regarding off-street parking of vehicles; WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City held a public hearing to consider the amendment and has made a recommendation to the City Council regarding the adoption of the amendment; and WHEREAS, having considered the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation and any comments in support of or opposition to the proposed changes, the City desires to amend the zoning code related to off-street parking as follows. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAPLETON, IOWA: SECTION 1: SECTION AMENDED. Subparagraph 4 of Section 69.09 the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mapleton, Iowa is hereby amended to read as follows: 4. Designated Parking Areas. Truck parking is allowed only in areas designated by the City pursuant to rules adopted by the City Council. SECTION 2: SECTION AMENDED. The following new definitions are hereby added to section 165.01 the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mapleton, Iowa to state as follows: “Hard-surfaced area” means a continuous area of gravel, rock, concrete, pavement, brick, asphalt, or similar material, placed for the purpose of vehicular parking, with a sufficient area such that no part of any vehicle(s) shall be located on or above any grass, dirt, sidewalk, or right of way. “Recreational vehicle” means vehicles not designed primarily for operation on highways, including but not limited to boats, personal watercraft, campers, motor homes, busses, travel trailers, snowmobiles, ATVs, UTVs, side-by-sides, and golf carts. “Vehicle” means every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, including, but not limited to cars, trucks, and vans, and recreational vehicles. Any device moved primarily by human power is not a vehicle for purposes of this chapter. SECTION 3: SECTION AMENDED. The following subparagraphs are hereby added to section 165.21 the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mapleton, Iowa to state as follows: 165.21 (9) - Parking Surface. In residential districts, parking of outside of an enclosed structure in any rear, side, or front yard setback is permitted only if the vehicle is on a hard-surfaced area. 165.21 (10) – Parking Location. In residential districts, parking is permitted within the required front yard setback only when the following additional conditions are met: Space is unavailable in the side yard behind the required front yard setback or in the rear yard, or where there is no reasonable access to the side or rear yard. A corner lot is considered to have reasonable access to the rear yard. A fence does not prevent reasonable access. Enclosed parking in conformance with the requirement of the district is impossible. The vehicle is parked perpendicular to the front curb. The vehicle does not encroach on the right of way or sidewalk. 165.21 (11) - The parking and storage of recreational vehicles in are subject to the following additional conditions: Recreational vehicles shall be maintained in a clean, well-kept manner. Recreational Vehicles designed for one or more person to sleep within the vehicle may only be so used by nonpaying guests in a residential district for a maximum of three consecutive days or 14 days during any calendar year. Recreational vehicles shall not be permanently connected to utilities. Recreational vehicles shall not be used for storage of goods, materials, or equipment, other than those items which are part of the unit or essential to its immediate use. In residential districts, recreational vehicles shall not extend further than twenty-five (25) feet into the required front yard setback. In residential districts, no more than four recreational vehicles shall be stored outside an enclosed structure on each lot, with no more than two (2) recreational vehicles of the same type. SECTION 4: REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any section, provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof, not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6: WHEN EFFECTIVE. Residential lots with parking areas not in conformance with the requirements of Section 165.21 shall have one year after the adoption of this Ordinance to conform with all of the requirements of this Code. This Ordinance shall otherwise be in full force and effect after its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ***** Motion by Joe Hogan, second by Abby Koenigs to approve the first reading of Ordinance 485. Ayes: Benita Uhl, Abby Koenigs, Joe Hogan, Jacob Zawodny, Zach Schrader. Motion Carried. November 13, 2024. Councilperson Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to approve the second and third reading and adoption of Ordinance 485. Ayes: Joe Hogan, Jacob Zawodny, Benita Uhl. Absent: Abby Koenigs, Zach Schrader. Motion carried and ordinance adopted on December 11, 2024. WHEREUPON, the Mayor declared the foregoing ordinance duly enacted on December 11, 2024. BRENT STRECK, MAYOR ATTEST: KARLA UHL, CITY CLERK Published December 19, 2024 MP12-19-24